The establishment of the ministry

The Ministry of Agriculture is one of the first ministries in Sudan. It was established before Sudanization in 1953 AD. It was called the Forestry and Forests Department. Then it was called the Ministry of Agriculture. Since that date, the name has been changed according to the name according to the specializations and tasks. Throughout its journey, it witnessed the inclusion of livestock in some periods and in others, irrigation, water, and sometimes natural resources until The National Salvation Revolution took place in June 1989, when it was called the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, and in 1992 it was separated and called the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, and in 2010 it was called the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, and in 2015 it was returned to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests.

Ministry's duties and responsibilities

- Choosing and adopting the appropriate technology in the field of agriculture
- Developing agricultural extension programs and methods - Supervising and investing natural resources
- Rationalizing the use of agricultural land to stop environmental degradation and combat drought and desertification in cooperation and coordination with the relevant authorities
- Training and qualification of human cadres in the fields of agriculture and natural resources - Development and maintenance of pastures in coordination with the relevant authorities
- Monitoring and controlling national pests in coordination with the concerned authorities - Following up the implementation of laws that encourage and protect forests
- Supervising the federal investment in the field of agriculture - Supervising and publishing agricultural statistics at the national level
- Supervising international and regional cooperation projects and investments in the field of agriculture
- Developing primary, regional and plant cooperation in the fields of agriculture and natural resources


المحاصيل الزراعية.

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مبنى وزارة الزراعة والغابات - السودان.

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زراعة القطن في السودان.

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الصمغ العربي.

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القمح- مشروع الراجحي الزراعي.


.: أنت الزائر رقم :.


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